Expectations versus reality

Today has been hard, and it is not even lunchtime! Not for any big reasons, just the normal, little reasons that come with being a parent of a child who is prone to coughs and colds in the winter season.


That means less sleep at night, and grumpiness in the mornings, intentions of eating well, and moving well, but reality of life meaning that I am now stuck in front of the computer staring wide-eyed at a backlog of all the work that I should have done three days ago.

But, that is life - right! So, my mindfulness practice right now is to count my blessings of all the things that are going well, and adjust my expectations to reflect what health and balance really needs to be in my life right now.

And, that reality for me is a vitamin-inducing green smoothie for breakfast, but also a cheeky snack of chocolate cake and reheated cup of coffee for morning tea ;)

That also means not an hour movement practice in my home studio, but a quick fifteen minute wake up flow in my untidied front room (which I recorded for you - link below!)

Life is life is life.

Your reality does not need to match anyone else’s reality. Your health regime doesn’t need to match anyones either.

Are you moving? Are you aware of your whole body responding to your breath? Are you internal thoughts being kind to YOU. Just do a little, and add it in a various times of the day. The best position, is your next right?

I created a Gentle Wake Up Flow for you which features spinal waves and wrist and shoulder rotations. Be warned. I have not yet showered. My house is a mess. But, I aim to add movement variation in my day today, and I can do without adding any further procrastinations to the list. Email me@shelleymccarten.com for the link.

Sending love and a healthy dose of realistic expectations your way.

Here for you



On the 5th birthday of my baby girl I reminisce about what her birth created in me…