He’s here!

We are beyond happy to announce that our little boy Alex Thomas Shearlock arrived on almost two weeks ago on Saturday 21 September at 3.46pm weighing in at 8lb 3oz.


We are all doing really well, riding the highs and lows of the postpartum period, and taking our time adjusting to our new family of four.

If you follow my work you might know that I was working towards a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After

Caesarean). However, some challenges presented themselves very early on and we ended up with a belly birth once again.

After my first belly birth I was faced with overwhelming disappointment that my body failed me. In all honesty I suppose in a way I hoped that a VBAC this time round would heal what I had experienced before. BUT instead I have found my response to this birth experience totally the opposite to my first.

A massive part of this has been in my preparation for the unpredictability of birth, the belief that all births are valid, and an understanding of the power of language in how we frame our birthing experiences, something I try to infuse into all my prenatal and postnatal classes.

I have so much awe for what my body has done, and its ability to heal.

I have so much gratitude to the medical team who helped to create such a peaceful, calm, joyful and respected belly birth. Not only was is the safest choice, it was the most gentle choice for what I was going on. And, my midwives, nurses, doula, obstetricians, aenatheatists, my husband, family and friends that surrounded me empowered me by believing in my choice that was right for my birth, my body, and our baby.

And...what am I doing movement-wise now almost two weeks postpartum? Well, that’s pretty much a big, massive NOTHING. I am respecting my body’s recovery. I am resting. I am feeding and snuggling my baby. I am hugging my daughter. I am sleeping. I am hydrating. I am connecting to my breath. I am also honouring all my emotions, the tears, tiredness and the joy. And, slowly, mindfully, I will return to more movement when the time is right for me.


4 week old baby boy - reminiscing the challenge


On the 5th birthday of my baby girl I reminisce about what her birth created in me…